Wednesday, February 11, 2009

First week back to work, ON WEED!!!

Ahhh, the life of a pothead.

I was living the life "kisses the sky".

On an average, say, Monday I may wake up around 9:30 or so. First thing I might do is smoke a bowl, in my opinion there is NO better high than a W'n'B. After that bowl, I might walk down to a starbucks and get a late' and perhaps a breakfast sandwich. Walking outside, I'd go out the front, I'd be greeted by the beach sand and ocean instantly.

"Ahhh, nice breeze today. Quite a bit of sun already, what is it 70? I guess that explains why there are all these people on the beach."

After I gather my coffee and sandwich I'd head back to my place. Going inside it's time to open the blinds and let the outside in, ahh, much better. After catching up on some television my coffee and sandwich are gone, time for a shower.

Cleaned up, we're looking at 10:30 or 11 by now, what should I do before lunch? Any and all errands are run after smoking a post shower bowl. Driving around in my little sports car, I'll find
somewhere for lunch, I got all the time in the world, lets drive down the coast and eat on the beach. At some point, I'll usually end up in a weed store to buy a few goodies and since I have a lot of time why not sit inside the store and smoke a bowl. OK!!!!

Getting back at home post errands and the sun is shining, sunset a couple of hours away. Feels like a good time to put on some tunes and ride my bicycle somewhere to catch a beer and the sunset. All of this of course, is done after a bowl or 3.

On an average day, I'll ride my bicycle once, do 2 or so errands, walk about a mile to various locations nearby and smoke about 4 or so bowls. THAT IS THE LIFE.

WELL IT ENDED.....eventually we all have to work don't we?

Now I have to wake up and be somewhere by 9. I have to have my wits about me since I'm learning some complicated new software so no W'n'B for me. My lunch is limited to 1 hour so no smoke breaks yet. GRRRR. I love my new gig, but man, I sure miss the best life ever.

"kisses the sky"

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